path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2 daysFeat: add character card supportGrail Finder
5 daysFeat (config): chunk limitGrail Finder
8 daysFix: tool callsGrail Finder
8 daysFix: continue llm resp; clear status lineGrail Finder
8 daysFeat: add help pageGrail Finder
10 daysFeat: rename chatGrail Finder
11 daysFeat: add switch between sys promptsGrail Finder
13 daysEnha: match tool call with regexp; clear panicsGrail Finder
13 daysFeat: add tools to tool mapGrail Finder
14 daysFix: chat upsertGrail Finder
2024-11-20Feat: add memory [wip]Grail Finder
2024-11-20Chore: tools to their own file [wip]Grail Finder
2024-11-20Feat: migration on startupGrail Finder
2024-11-20Enha: db chat managementGrail Finder
2024-11-19Feat: add storage interface; add sqlite implGrail Finder
2024-11-17Feat: toggle system; edit msg; switch focusGrail Finder
2024-11-16Feat: add msg indexGrail Finder
2024-11-16Feat: read from chat filesGrail Finder
2024-11-14initGrail Finder