package main import ( "elefant/models" "elefant/pngmeta" "fmt" "image" _ "image/jpeg" _ "image/png" "os" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) var ( app *tview.Application pages *tview.Pages textArea *tview.TextArea editArea *tview.TextArea textView *tview.TextView position *tview.TextView helpView *tview.TextView flex *tview.Flex imgView *tview.Image defaultImage = "sysprompts/llama.png" indexPickWindow *tview.InputField renameWindow *tview.InputField // pages historyPage = "historyPage" agentPage = "agentPage" editMsgPage = "editMsgPage" indexPage = "indexPage" helpPage = "helpPage" renamePage = "renamePage" RAGPage = "RAGPage " propsPage = "propsPage" codeBlockPage = "codeBlockPage" imgPage = "imgPage" // help text helpText = ` [yellow]Esc[white]: send msg [yellow]PgUp/Down[white]: switch focus between input and chat widgets [yellow]F1[white]: manage chats [yellow]F2[white]: regen last [yellow]F3[white]: delete last msg [yellow]F4[white]: edit msg [yellow]F5[white]: toggle system [yellow]F6[white]: interrupt bot resp [yellow]F7[white]: copy last msg to clipboard (linux xclip) [yellow]F8[white]: copy n msg to clipboard (linux xclip) [yellow]F9[white]: table to copy from; with all code blocks [yellow]F10[white]: manage loaded rag files (that already in vector db) [yellow]F11[white]: switch RAGEnabled boolean [yellow]F12[white]: show this help page [yellow]Ctrl+s[white]: load new char/agent [yellow]Ctrl+e[white]: export chat to json file [yellow]Ctrl+n[white]: start a new chat [yellow]Ctrl+c[white]: close programm [yellow]Ctrl+p[white]: props edit form (min-p, dry, etc.) [yellow]Ctrl+v[white]: switch between /completion and /chat api (if provided in config) [yellow]Ctrl+r[white]: menu of files that can be loaded in vector db (RAG) [yellow]Ctrl+t[white]: remove thinking () and tool messages from context (delete from chat) [yellow]Ctrl+l[white]: update connected model name (llamacpp) [yellow]Ctrl+k[white]: switch tool use (recommend tool use to llm after user msg) [yellow]Ctrl+i[white]: if chat agent is char.png will show the image; then any key to return Press Enter to go back ` ) func loadImage() { filepath := defaultImage cc, ok := sysMap[cfg.AssistantRole] if ok { if strings.HasSuffix(cc.FilePath, ".png") { filepath = cc.FilePath } } file, err := os.Open(filepath) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer file.Close() img, _, err := image.Decode(file) if err != nil { panic(err) } imgView.SetImage(img) } func colorText() { text := textView.GetText(false) // Step 1: Extract code blocks and replace them with unique placeholders var codeBlocks []string placeholder := "__CODE_BLOCK_%d__" counter := 0 // Replace code blocks with placeholders and store their styled versions text = codeBlockRE.ReplaceAllStringFunc(text, func(match string) string { // Style the code block and store it styled := fmt.Sprintf("[red::i]%s[-:-:-]", match) codeBlocks = append(codeBlocks, styled) // Generate a unique placeholder (e.g., "__CODE_BLOCK_0__") id := fmt.Sprintf(placeholder, counter) counter++ return id }) // Step 2: Apply other regex styles to the non-code parts text = quotesRE.ReplaceAllString(text, `[orange::-]$1[-:-:-]`) text = starRE.ReplaceAllString(text, `[turquoise::i]$1[-:-:-]`) text = thinkRE.ReplaceAllString(text, `[turquoise::i]$1[-:-:-]`) // Step 3: Restore the styled code blocks from placeholders for i, cb := range codeBlocks { text = strings.Replace(text, fmt.Sprintf(placeholder, i), cb, 1) } textView.SetText(text) } func updateStatusLine() { position.SetText(fmt.Sprintf(indexLine, botRespMode, cfg.AssistantRole, activeChatName, cfg.RAGEnabled, cfg.ToolUse, currentModel, cfg.CurrentAPI)) } func initSysCards() ([]string, error) { labels := []string{} labels = append(labels, sysLabels...) cards, err := pngmeta.ReadDirCards(cfg.SysDir, cfg.UserRole, logger) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to read sys dir", "error", err) return nil, err } for _, cc := range cards { if cc.Role == "" { logger.Warn("empty role", "file", cc.FilePath) continue } sysMap[cc.Role] = cc labels = append(labels, cc.Role) } return labels, nil } func startNewChat() { id, err := store.ChatGetMaxID() if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to get chat id", "error", err) } if ok := charToStart(cfg.AssistantRole); !ok { logger.Warn("no such sys msg", "name", cfg.AssistantRole) } // set chat body chatBody.Messages = chatBody.Messages[:2] textView.SetText(chatToText(cfg.ShowSys)) newChat := &models.Chat{ ID: id + 1, Name: fmt.Sprintf("%d_%s", id+1, cfg.AssistantRole), Msgs: string(defaultStarterBytes), Agent: cfg.AssistantRole, } activeChatName = newChat.Name chatMap[newChat.Name] = newChat updateStatusLine() colorText() } func makePropsForm(props map[string]float32) *tview.Form { form := tview.NewForm(). AddTextView("Notes", "Props for llamacpp completion call", 40, 2, true, false). AddButton("Quit", func() { pages.RemovePage(propsPage) }) form.AddButton("Save", func() { defer pages.RemovePage(propsPage) for pn := range props { propField, ok := form.GetFormItemByLabel(pn).(*tview.InputField) if !ok { logger.Warn("failed to convert to inputfield", "prop_name", pn) continue } val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(propField.GetText(), 32) if err != nil { logger.Warn("failed parse to float", "value", propField.GetText()) continue } props[pn] = float32(val) } }) for propName, value := range props { form.AddInputField(propName, fmt.Sprintf("%v", value), 20, tview.InputFieldFloat, nil) } form.SetBorder(true).SetTitle("Enter some data").SetTitleAlign(tview.AlignLeft) return form } func init() { theme := tview.Theme{ PrimitiveBackgroundColor: tcell.ColorDefault, ContrastBackgroundColor: tcell.ColorGray, MoreContrastBackgroundColor: tcell.ColorNavy, BorderColor: tcell.ColorGray, TitleColor: tcell.ColorRed, GraphicsColor: tcell.ColorBlue, PrimaryTextColor: tcell.ColorLightGray, SecondaryTextColor: tcell.ColorYellow, TertiaryTextColor: tcell.ColorOrange, InverseTextColor: tcell.ColorPurple, ContrastSecondaryTextColor: tcell.ColorLime, } tview.Styles = theme app = tview.NewApplication() pages = tview.NewPages() textArea = tview.NewTextArea(). SetPlaceholder("Type your prompt...") textArea.SetBorder(true).SetTitle("input") textView = tview.NewTextView(). SetDynamicColors(true). SetRegions(true). SetChangedFunc(func() { app.Draw() }) // textView.SetBorder(true).SetTitle("chat") textView.SetDoneFunc(func(key tcell.Key) { currentSelection := textView.GetHighlights() if key == tcell.KeyEnter { if len(currentSelection) > 0 { textView.Highlight() } else { textView.Highlight("0").ScrollToHighlight() } } }) focusSwitcher[textArea] = textView focusSwitcher[textView] = textArea position = tview.NewTextView(). SetDynamicColors(true). SetTextAlign(tview.AlignCenter) position.SetChangedFunc(func() { app.Draw() }) flex = tview.NewFlex().SetDirection(tview.FlexRow). AddItem(textView, 0, 40, false). AddItem(textArea, 0, 10, true). AddItem(position, 0, 2, false) editArea = tview.NewTextArea(). SetPlaceholder("Replace msg...") editArea.SetBorder(true).SetTitle("input") editArea.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { if event.Key() == tcell.KeyEscape && editMode { defer colorText() editedMsg := editArea.GetText() if editedMsg == "" { if err := notifyUser("edit", "no edit provided"); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to send notification", "error", err) } pages.RemovePage(editMsgPage) editMode = false return nil } chatBody.Messages[selectedIndex].Content = editedMsg // change textarea textView.SetText(chatToText(cfg.ShowSys)) pages.RemovePage(editMsgPage) editMode = false return nil } return event }) indexPickWindow = tview.NewInputField(). SetLabel("Enter a msg index: "). SetFieldWidth(4). SetAcceptanceFunc(tview.InputFieldInteger). SetDoneFunc(func(key tcell.Key) { defer indexPickWindow.SetText("") pages.RemovePage(indexPage) colorText() updateStatusLine() }) indexPickWindow.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { switch event.Key() { case tcell.KeyBackspace: return event case tcell.KeyEnter: si := indexPickWindow.GetText() siInt, err := strconv.Atoi(si) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to convert provided index", "error", err, "si", si) if err := notifyUser("cancel", "no index provided"); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to send notification", "error", err) } pages.RemovePage(indexPage) return event } selectedIndex = siInt if len(chatBody.Messages)+1 < selectedIndex || selectedIndex < 0 { msg := "chosen index is out of bounds" logger.Warn(msg, "index", selectedIndex) if err := notifyUser("error", msg); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to send notification", "error", err) } pages.RemovePage(indexPage) return event } m := chatBody.Messages[selectedIndex] if editMode && event.Key() == tcell.KeyEnter { pages.AddPage(editMsgPage, editArea, true, true) editArea.SetText(m.Content, true) } if !editMode && event.Key() == tcell.KeyEnter { if err := copyToClipboard(m.Content); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to copy to clipboard", "error", err) } previewLen := 30 if len(m.Content) < 30 { previewLen = len(m.Content) } notification := fmt.Sprintf("msg '%s' was copied to the clipboard", m.Content[:previewLen]) if err := notifyUser("copied", notification); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to send notification", "error", err) } } return event default: return event } }) // renameWindow = tview.NewInputField(). SetLabel("Enter a msg index: "). SetFieldWidth(20). SetAcceptanceFunc(tview.InputFieldMaxLength(100)). SetDoneFunc(func(key tcell.Key) { pages.RemovePage(renamePage) }) renameWindow.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { if event.Key() == tcell.KeyEnter { nname := renameWindow.GetText() if nname == "" { return event } currentChat := chatMap[activeChatName] delete(chatMap, activeChatName) currentChat.Name = nname activeChatName = nname chatMap[activeChatName] = currentChat _, err := store.UpsertChat(currentChat) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to upsert chat", "error", err, "chat", currentChat) } notification := fmt.Sprintf("renamed chat to '%s'", activeChatName) if err := notifyUser("renamed", notification); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to send notification", "error", err) } } return event }) // helpView = tview.NewTextView().SetDynamicColors(true).SetText(helpText).SetDoneFunc(func(key tcell.Key) { pages.RemovePage(helpPage) }) helpView.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { switch event.Key() { case tcell.KeyEsc, tcell.KeyEnter: return event } return nil }) // imgView = tview.NewImage() imgView.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { switch event.Key() { case tcell.KeyEnter: pages.RemovePage(imgPage) return event } if isASCII(string(event.Rune())) { pages.RemovePage(imgPage) return event } return nil }) // textArea.SetMovedFunc(updateStatusLine) updateStatusLine() textView.SetText(chatToText(cfg.ShowSys)) colorText() textView.ScrollToEnd() // init sysmap _, err := initSysCards() if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to init sys cards", "error", err) } app.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { if event.Key() == tcell.KeyF1 { // chatList, err := loadHistoryChats() chatList, err := store.GetChatByChar(cfg.AssistantRole) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to load chat history", "error", err) return nil } chatMap := make(map[string]models.Chat) // nameList := make([]string, len(chatList)) for _, chat := range chatList { // nameList[i] = chat.Name chatMap[chat.Name] = chat } chatActTable := makeChatTable(chatMap) pages.AddPage(historyPage, chatActTable, true, true) colorText() updateStatusLine() return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyF2 { // regen last msg chatBody.Messages = chatBody.Messages[:len(chatBody.Messages)-1] textView.SetText(chatToText(cfg.ShowSys)) go chatRound("", cfg.UserRole, textView, true) return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyF3 && !botRespMode { // delete last msg // check textarea text; if it ends with bot icon delete only icon: text := textView.GetText(true) assistantIcon := roleToIcon(cfg.AssistantRole) if strings.HasSuffix(text, assistantIcon) { logger.Info("deleting assistant icon", "icon", assistantIcon) textView.SetText(strings.TrimSuffix(text, assistantIcon)) colorText() return nil } chatBody.Messages = chatBody.Messages[:len(chatBody.Messages)-1] textView.SetText(chatToText(cfg.ShowSys)) colorText() return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyF4 { // edit msg editMode = true pages.AddPage(indexPage, indexPickWindow, true, true) return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyF5 { // switch cfg.ShowSys cfg.ShowSys = !cfg.ShowSys textView.SetText(chatToText(cfg.ShowSys)) colorText() } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyF6 { interruptResp = true botRespMode = false return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyF7 { // copy msg to clipboard editMode = false m := chatBody.Messages[len(chatBody.Messages)-1] if err := copyToClipboard(m.Content); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to copy to clipboard", "error", err) } previewLen := 30 if len(m.Content) < 30 { previewLen = len(m.Content) } notification := fmt.Sprintf("msg '%s' was copied to the clipboard", m.Content[:previewLen]) if err := notifyUser("copied", notification); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to send notification", "error", err) } return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyF8 { // copy msg to clipboard editMode = false pages.AddPage(indexPage, indexPickWindow, true, true) return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyF9 { // table of codeblocks to copy text := textView.GetText(false) cb := codeBlockRE.FindAllString(text, -1) if len(cb) == 0 { if err := notifyUser("notify", "no code blocks in chat"); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to send notification", "error", err) } return nil } table := makeCodeBlockTable(cb) pages.AddPage(codeBlockPage, table, true, true) // updateStatusLine() return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyF10 { // list rag loaded in db loadedFiles, err := ragger.ListLoaded() if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to list regfiles in db", "error", err) return nil } if len(loadedFiles) == 0 { if err := notifyUser("loaded RAG", "no files in db"); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to send notification", "error", err) } return nil } dbRAGTable := makeLoadedRAGTable(loadedFiles) pages.AddPage(RAGPage, dbRAGTable, true, true) return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyF11 { // xor cfg.RAGEnabled = !cfg.RAGEnabled updateStatusLine() return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyF12 { // help window cheatsheet pages.AddPage(helpPage, helpView, true, true) return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyCtrlE { // export loaded chat into json file if err := exportChat(); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to export chat;", "error", err, "chat_name", activeChatName) return nil } if err := notifyUser("exported chat", "chat: "+activeChatName+" was exported"); err != nil { logger.Error("failed to send notification", "error", err) } return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyCtrlP { propsForm := makePropsForm(defaultLCPProps) pages.AddPage(propsPage, propsForm, true, true) return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyCtrlN { startNewChat() return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyCtrlL { go func() { fetchModelName() // blocks updateStatusLine() }() return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyCtrlT { // clear context // remove tools and thinking removeThinking(chatBody) textView.SetText(chatToText(cfg.ShowSys)) colorText() return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyCtrlV { // switch between /chat and /completion api prevAPI := cfg.CurrentAPI newAPI := cfg.APIMap[cfg.CurrentAPI] if newAPI == "" { // do not switch return nil } cfg.APIMap[newAPI] = prevAPI cfg.CurrentAPI = newAPI initChunkParser() updateStatusLine() return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyCtrlS { // switch sys prompt labels, err := initSysCards() if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to read sys dir", "error", err) if err := notifyUser("error", "failed to read: "+cfg.SysDir); err != nil { logger.Debug("failed to notify user", "error", err) } return nil } at := makeAgentTable(labels) // sysModal.AddButtons(labels) // load all chars pages.AddPage(agentPage, at, true, true) updateStatusLine() return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyCtrlK { // add message from tools cfg.ToolUse = !cfg.ToolUse updateStatusLine() return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyCtrlI { // show image loadImage() pages.AddPage(imgPage, imgView, true, true) return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyCtrlR && cfg.HFToken != "" { // rag load // menu of the text files from defined rag directory files, err := os.ReadDir(cfg.RAGDir) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to read dir", "dir", cfg.RAGDir, "error", err) return nil } fileList := []string{} for _, f := range files { if f.IsDir() { continue } fileList = append(fileList, f.Name()) } chatRAGTable := makeRAGTable(fileList) pages.AddPage(RAGPage, chatRAGTable, true, true) return nil } // cannot send msg in editMode or botRespMode if event.Key() == tcell.KeyEscape && !editMode && !botRespMode { // read all text into buffer msgText := textArea.GetText() nl := "\n" prevText := textView.GetText(true) // strings.LastIndex() // newline is not needed is prev msg ends with one if strings.HasSuffix(prevText, nl) { nl = "" } if msgText != "" { // continue fmt.Fprintf(textView, "%s[-:-:b](%d) <%s>: [-:-:-]\n%s\n", nl, len(chatBody.Messages), cfg.UserRole, msgText) textArea.SetText("", true) textView.ScrollToEnd() colorText() } // update statue line go chatRound(msgText, cfg.UserRole, textView, false) return nil } if event.Key() == tcell.KeyPgUp || event.Key() == tcell.KeyPgDn { currentF := app.GetFocus() app.SetFocus(focusSwitcher[currentF]) return nil } if isASCII(string(event.Rune())) && !botRespMode { return event } return event }) }